Sunday, 16 October 2016

More from the Cathedral Visit!

Norwich Cathedral Visit    KS2

Cheetahs and Panthers had a wonderful time visiting Norwich Cathedral.  The children took part in a range of activities including drama, story-telling, handling religious artifacts and designing their very own stained-glass windows.  The children learned a great deal about Jesus Christ and the concept of Salvation.

It must also be noted that the children's behaviour and respect shown in this place of worship was exemplary, so much so that we received a personal email from the Cathedral staff telling us how impressed they were and what a fantastic credit the children are for our school.  WOW!  What a compliment Cheetahs and Panthers!

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Spanish Masters!

Connor & Isabella, I'm simply blown away by your Spanish time-telling skills!  Keep up the marvelous work!
-SeƱora Pell


And a big muy bien to some hard-working Panthers too!  Well done Georgia, William & Kyle!

