Thursday, 26 January 2017

DT Group 4 Egg Results! What a Show!

Our final group for the big DT Eggsperiment put on a real show today!  It's amazing just how original their ideas were, even though they were the last group to take on this challenge!

Let's have a look at our results.  We'll start with William's project.  Even though he was sick today, we remembered what you had planned, so we photographed it all for you to see!

William: Before

William: During

William: After- in tact!

Harley's Golf Egg: Before
Harley's Golf Egg:  After- a total smash, but really fun!

Georgia: Before
Georgia: After- well done!

I'm going to have to leave this here tonight.  The photos are taking too long to upload.  I'll try again tomorrow, don't worry!

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Harley's Frozen Eggsperiment in Progress!

Hello again Cheetahs!  I can only post on the Cheetahs page, so when you see Harley next, let him know I've posted some pictures of his Frozen Eggsperiment in progress!

He has a very interesting idea indeed!  He thought that freezing his egg in a container of water would ensure that it wouldn't break upon the impact of the drop.  When he discussed this idea with his Dad, they came up with a way that they thought they could strengthen the ice- by adding cotton wool to it!  When he researched this in class, he discovered that this is similar to a strategy used in WWII wherein a percentage of sawdust was added to ice to strengthen it. This process was called pykrete after Geoffrey Pyke, who wanted to make an unsinkable aircraft carrier.

We really do learn something new everyday!

Fingers crossed that their plan works!  We'll find out on Thursday!  Keep an eye out for more updates on Harley's very original ideas!

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Welcome Mr. Joyce!

Hello everyone!  We hope you enjoyed our Royal Mail surprise this week!  The children were excited to be formally addressing their own letters to their friends or family members, and as you know, are very thankful for the wonderful time they had over Christmas!  Well done Cheetahs for keeping it a surprise! 

We'd also like to welcome our new teacher in training to our class, Mr. Joyce!  He started with us this Thursday, observing the wonders of our Cheetahs Class and is looking forward to teaching the children their Maths lessons next week!  The children ALL made excellent first impressions and we're so very proud of them!  Like a cat, we think Mr. Joyce will agree that he has landed on his feet with us!

Happy weekend everyone!  

Thursday, 12 January 2017

On Tuesday afternoon, the first group of Cheetahs enjoyed their first session of Forest School with Miss Wones.  They all decided to make dens this week and demonstrated amazing co-operation, problem solving skills and teamwork :)  Well done Cheetahs! 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Cheetahs' have had a fantastic start to the week with every child getting to at least 'keep it up' on Wednesday!
In English, we have started our new topic, looking at a book and film narrative called 'Varmints'
The children watched the first 6 minutes of the video, focusing on how the setting changed, before writing contrasting setting descriptions.
Grace blew us away with her beautiful, descriptive writing...
The birds' song gently drifted down from the aqua sky, carried by a calm breeze.  The world was peaceful, safe and open.  There was emerald grass swaying and a beautiful pea-like green tree.  Everything was tranquil and still.  Nothing was tense.
Soon the loving world was swamped in a deep sea of concrete.  It had become a dismal, lifeless place, with tall, looming tower blocks sending shadows of gloom and tears across the stormy, black world, full of danger.  It felt like a ghost town.  Everything was almost deserted except the immense amount of buildings.


In Maths this week, we have focused on our multiplication skills.  We looked at the grid method as a way of multiplying 1 digit by 2 digit, 1 digit by 3 digit and even 2 digit by 2 digit.  It was really important to set our work out neatly following
the success criteria.  Mellissa worked extremely hard to do this...

Some of the children focused on solving multiplication problems using arrays and repeated addition...
Super work Ethan!

This is our wonderful book corner!

Friday, 6 January 2017

Happy New Year!

What a wonderful start to the new year we've had in Cheetahs class!  Everyone was so cheerful & genuinely happy to see all of their friends again- they've still got me smiling!

A big well done to Karla & Ebony who got our first lucky dips of 2017 for their outstanding behaviour and work ethic to kick off the new year.  q:0)

The children are enjoying the new layout of desks in our classroom and especially our new Cheetahs Reading Den!  It looks very cosy indeed!  Do bring in books, magazines, comics- anything from home that you would like to enjoy reading in our ERIC time (Everybody Reading In Class)!

In English we are writing Thank You letters to a family member, friend or Santa to show appreciation for the gifts they received for Christmas as well as to thank people for the special time they've shared over the holiday.  We'll be writing them up neatly next week.

In Maths we have been busy measuring in centimetres and metres using rulers and metre sticks and had some fun doing special measuring tasks at various stations today!  Our farthest standing jump distances went to Jack in first place, one centimetre behind was Ebony, and yet another mere centimetre behind was Connor!

Cheetahs and Panthers are now working in small groups on a Spanish script that they will prepare, practise & perfect, so hopefully we'll have a few educational skits to enjoy in upcoming achievement assemblies later this half term!

Best of luck to our final team of DT Egg Droppers this month!  I'm really excited to see how these unique ideas work out!

Thank you to all of the children for such a positive, fantastic start to 2017!

-Mrs. Pell