Monday, 27 March 2017

What a wonderful end to the Spring Term!

Cheetahs, it's been quite a busy half-term in our class with so many wonderful events and special dates to mark! 

For the 100th Day of School, you made a superb display of 100 things you like about your school, which I very much enjoyed reading!  I was so impressed with the work you did on your chosen task for 100 Things That Make Me Happy.  You all have so many wonderful things going on in your lives!  Some of you were even able to find the good in feeling under-the-weather by thinking of things that make you happy even when you're stuck at home with a bug!  What an excellent perspective on life!

I've been thoroughly impressed with what our first 2 DT groups have produced with our new project:  Designing a new cereal!  I think we've got some students with a real knack for marketing at our school!  Thank you parents for all of the boxes you've brought it, the children have really been enjoying using their imaginations to create a new, tempting brand of cereal.  As always, I can't wait to see what they come up with next!

We had loads of fun on World Book Day and the Cheetahs looked incredible!  Every single one of us was dressed up (some of us had to dial down the craziness of the outfit for parent's evening thereafter)!  Thank you for all of your creativity and enthusiasm!  I hope you enjoy reading the Book Report Dice that the children made that day all about their favourite books!  They did a stunning job!

I heard great things about the Children's Sing to Sign event and hope it inspires the children to try to learn some more sign language and share it with us at school.

I hope all of the Mums in our class enjoyed your Mother's Day letters!  The children worked on their writing in paragraphs & challenging themselves to use a varied amount of punctuation (to earn a higher Kung-Fu Punctuation belt on our class display).  They thought really carefully about special memories they have with you and about how lucky they are to have you- they even made me well up!
We had a most enjoyable Science Federation Day over at Sutton school as well!  From making rocket mice, to bug hunting, to creative bean growing, to bottle rockets and a special scientific presentation- we were both enlightened and worn out by the time we got back to Catfield!  I wonder if anyone else has looked into purchasing "rainbow glasses"?  That was incredible!

Our Red Nose day dress-down was quite a big success as well- our Cheetahs love getting into the spirit of things!  Thank you for all of your donations for the charity!

I hope that the children shared the story of their Healthy Eating Theatre assembly with you.  It was quite the comedic show!  Can any of you remember the 5 food groups that were discussed?  Great job on the surveys about your most recent visits to a local doctor's surgery, hospital and or dentist!  They hope to make your next visit even more pleasant from reading all of your feedback about the activities in the waiting room and so on!

The children have been learning about the names of body parts and how to describe when something is wrong in Spanish & I've been most impressed with their improved pronunciations!  In Maths on Thurs/Fridays we have wrapped up our unit on measures and are now revisiting telling the time.  Do practice reading those clocks at home, especially analogue ones!  Parents, you can test your children's skills by asking them to tell you the time, then tell you what the time will be in 45 minutes, for example.  You could even quiz them on their knowledge of the 24 hour clock!  No time like the present!

A very big well done to Karla & Jack for their fantastic Reading test results in Year 3!
And another big well done to  Isabella, Grace, Connor, Alfie & Archie for their high achievements on their Year 4 Reading test! 

As you can see, we have been EXTREMELY busy in year 3/4 this half term!  I hope that everyone enjoys a well deserved break over Easter!  Play safely & enjoy the great outdoors Cheetahs!

-Mrs. Pell