Sunday, 10 December 2017

WWII Evacuee Experience Day part 2!

The children really did enjoy the dancing!

As did the staff!

What a fantastic 'Dig for Victory' cake Gracie made as part of her homework!

WWII Evacuation Experience day!

WWII Evacuee Experience Day!

Part 1

Wow! What a fantastic day we all had travelling back to 1945!  Everyone really got into the spirit of the day - pupils, staff and parents!

The day started with all the children meeting on the playground; preparing for roll call and saying farewell to their parents.  Once inside the hall and split in to groups, Mrs Sales explained to the children that there had been a delay with the train due to bomb damage on the line!  This meant the children would have to stay put for a while and take part in some WWII activities: making war medals; writing postcards home, making Morse Code sets and learning basic first ☺aid - how to manage a broken arm, a bleeding head or other wound and how to put a casualty into the recovery position.

 At break time the children learned to play Red Rover, Red Rover alongside some other 1940s games

Throughout the day, the children bravely responded to the air raid sirens and sensibly gathered together under the tables for safety! 

After lunch, we practised our singing ready for the VE party!

 We also created dance moves to some of Glen Miller's jive music!