Friday, 25 January 2019

Breaking News in Cheetahs' Class!

This week we have had news reporters in the classroom!  When talking about what the boy in our book 'Flotsam' should do with the camera, Sam had the fantastic idea of taking the story to the news.  As a class, we decided to make our own news reports!  The children worked in groups to write a script, make props and record using the Ipads.  They were then able to edit and enhance the videos using the iMovie app.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Gymnastics Galore!

Cheetahs' Class are really enjoying their gymnastics sessions this half term.  We are learning how to safely explore the large apparatus and how to travel, jump and balance in different ways to create interesting sequences using the equipment.

Look at this excellent crab!

 Great focus Jake!

Look at this amazing action shot of Ebony jumping!

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Marvellous Maths!

Marvellous Maths

Mrs Ryan has been working incredibly hard with her group this week as they master money!
They have been learning the values of the coins, making amounts using different combinations of coins and solving some tricky money problems!

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Forest Schools

Despite the cold weather, Group 1 had a fantastic Forest Schools' session!  Take a look at the photos to see what kind of things the children were up to...