Monday, 12 December 2016

Our Christmas How-To Guides!

I must say, of all of the wonderful writing I've seen from the Cheetahs this term, their Christmas How-To guides have made me smile (and laugh!) the most!  The children chose a mild, medium or spicy task to explain how to achieve using the features of How-To instructions that we studied.  They chose to describe one of the following:
How to Make it onto Santa's 'Good List'
How to Stay Awake for Santa
How to Have the Perfect Christmas Day

Now, I can't very well share with any parents reading, the "stay awake" tricks your children have up their sleeves for this coming Christmas Eve, but my oh my do they ever have ideas!  Ye be warned to tire these Cheetahs out so that Santa can make his visit on time!  However, I will share these 2 excellent How-To guides from the other categories:

Ben, this will definitely work!

Isabella, this sounds like a soul-warming day!

Some Christmas fun- I mean, work!

At such a busy time of year with Christmas preparations, finishing up projects, rehearsals and other end of term activities, the Cheetahs have been enjoying a change of pace in some of their lessons on Thursdays & Fridays for the final couple of weeks!  After the must-do work was complete, the children have been busy working on their Christmas Activity Packs, where they can choose the English or Maths activities to complete in any order!  I've noticed that the children were immediately drawn to the Maths co-ordinates & English acrostic poetry activities in particular! The children will have a bit more time to work on these this week & then they can take them home to enjoy over the break (although I've emphasized to them that it is NOT homework- just for their own fun with learning!).  Of course, they're very welcome to show me what they worked on in the new year if they so wish!  Have a look at the range of talent in our class!

I'm so impressed as always Cheetahs!

-Mrs. Pell

Way to go Ben! 

Looking wonderful Gracie!

Beaming with positivity Isabella & Grace!

This is amazing Karla- and you made it look easy!

Terrific job maintaining the theme Mellissa!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Eggceptional Survivors!

Wow!  I must say how impressed I am with the DT designs for Group 2's Eggsperiment!  All 9 eggs survived perfectly in tact!  Big congratulations to Taylor, Ebony, Liberty, Isabella, Oliver, Bethany, Luke, Ethan and Harry!

I've picked out just a few pictures of their work in action!  Enjoy!
Taylor had the original idea of putting his egg inside a stuffed animal!

Bethany was incredibly focused on her intricate design!

Ethan had to do a lot of problem solving to make his design come to life!

Oliver took a big risk with his plan, but it worked out!

Isabella was all about padding, padding, padding!

Harry had some very unique materials that he brought from home!

Ebony had the largest design by a long shot!

Luke was had the most original padding ideas for this group! Play doh was the chosen option! 

I can't wait to see what the Catfield kids come up with next!
-Mrs. Pell

Saturday, 5 November 2016

¡actualización español!

As we've been studying Spanish at Catfield for about 9 months now, the children have proven they're ready to take on a new challenge!  We've just started learning how to conjugate verbs in Spanish & they're  all off to a flying start!  Verbs in Spanish seem very complicated at first, but once they've got the memory work done, the pattern will seem natural to them!  We're starting off by looking at the patterns for verbs that end with "ar" initially.  Just look at what they can do already!

Way to go Ethan!

Very impressive Liberty!

The Panthers class have also done a great job organizing their own tables and colour coding their work to help them memorize the pattern!

¡Excelente Bethany!
¡Impresionante Eleanor!

Sunday, 16 October 2016

More from the Cathedral Visit!

Norwich Cathedral Visit    KS2

Cheetahs and Panthers had a wonderful time visiting Norwich Cathedral.  The children took part in a range of activities including drama, story-telling, handling religious artifacts and designing their very own stained-glass windows.  The children learned a great deal about Jesus Christ and the concept of Salvation.

It must also be noted that the children's behaviour and respect shown in this place of worship was exemplary, so much so that we received a personal email from the Cathedral staff telling us how impressed they were and what a fantastic credit the children are for our school.  WOW!  What a compliment Cheetahs and Panthers!

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Spanish Masters!

Connor & Isabella, I'm simply blown away by your Spanish time-telling skills!  Keep up the marvelous work!
-Señora Pell


And a big muy bien to some hard-working Panthers too!  Well done Georgia, William & Kyle!



Friday, 30 September 2016

Eggsellent Eggsperiment

Group 1 Results

The results are in for the DT Group 1 egg drop!  First of all a very well done to everyone- it's never easy to go first & I think you've inspired a lot of creative ideas for our future groups!

CongratulEGGtions to Karla, Ben, Alfie F. & Liam for creating egg-survival capsules!  Their eggs were perfectly in tact after the big drop!  I must say, Liam's football idea was indeed a risky design, but it certainly paid off well!

Keira, Emma & Jack: You had greatly detailed designs as well!  Live and learn!

And Kyle, oh Kyle...  A total smash!  You had such careful cushioning as well!  I think you know exactly what you'd do differently next time.  Great job just the same!  I'm glad you all had so much fun!

-Mrs. Pell

Monday, 26 September 2016

What a Circus!

We certainly had a jam-packed end to our 3rd week of school!  The children participated in Circus-Style workshops in The Big Top (which we also watched being assembled!) and we had a great time watching a special performance just for the Swallowtail Federation with our friends before having a glorious picnic outside!  It was a very special week for us all!  We were delighted to see so many of you join in for more fun on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon too!  Well done Mrs. Amos for her excellent clown dancing!  ;)

For our Creative Writing this week, we listened to a song by the Rascal Flatts called "My Wish".  The children wrote about what they thought the lyrics meant, who it was written for, how it made them feel and some even wrote about a wish they had for someone important to them!  The children wrote lovely, thoughtful responses to the message of the song.  Some of it very close to their hearts, so watch out for that piece of writing in their books!  I will however, share a couple of excerpts from Alfie's wonderful writing:

"The song makes me think about a clear night with lots of bright stars.  It makes me feel calm and happy because it has a mixture of up tempo and down tempo.  It makes me feel relaxed and want to sing!"

Despite our hectic schedule on Thursday and Friday, we did manage to get some Maths done!  Year 3 have wowed me with their great times table practice!  Keep up the great work!  And a very well done this week to Alfie, Gracie & Jack!

-Mrs. Pell

Amazing Times Tables Gracie!

Congrats Jack on your first 10/10 this year!