Monday, 12 December 2016

Some Christmas fun- I mean, work!

At such a busy time of year with Christmas preparations, finishing up projects, rehearsals and other end of term activities, the Cheetahs have been enjoying a change of pace in some of their lessons on Thursdays & Fridays for the final couple of weeks!  After the must-do work was complete, the children have been busy working on their Christmas Activity Packs, where they can choose the English or Maths activities to complete in any order!  I've noticed that the children were immediately drawn to the Maths co-ordinates & English acrostic poetry activities in particular! The children will have a bit more time to work on these this week & then they can take them home to enjoy over the break (although I've emphasized to them that it is NOT homework- just for their own fun with learning!).  Of course, they're very welcome to show me what they worked on in the new year if they so wish!  Have a look at the range of talent in our class!

I'm so impressed as always Cheetahs!

-Mrs. Pell

Way to go Ben! 

Looking wonderful Gracie!

Beaming with positivity Isabella & Grace!

This is amazing Karla- and you made it look easy!

Terrific job maintaining the theme Mellissa!

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