Sunday, 18 September 2016

This week in Cheetahs' Class, we have been learning all about place value!  The children all worked incredibly hard using 3 and 4 digit numbers.  We played lots of games such as 'guess my number' and solved some really tricky puzzles.  We all had a go at the coded 100 square from the Nrich website which you can try too...

In English this week we have been thinking about whether a character's appearance always matches their personality.  We discussed how Sophie was scared of BFG because he looked different, but once she got to know him quickly realised he was not so scary after all.  The children had a go at matching a range of story characters to their personality before mixing things up to create some very interesting characters!  The children then moved on to create their own characters; describing both their appearance and personality.

The children had a fantastic day on Tuesday celebrating 100 years of Roald Dahl.  Lots of children and adults dressed up for the occasion and we all enjoyed the carousel of activities: making Mr Twits beard, creating our very own dream catchers, inventing George's marvelous medicines and bug hunting outside.  Lots of the children's work will be on display in the library so please stop by to take a look :)

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