Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Cheetah's Blog: Week in Review May 21st-25th by Oliver & Ben

Cheetahs Blog: Week in Review
May 21st-25th, 2018 by Oliver & Ben
In PE we learned how to play cricket!  Mr. Sharp said we were already strong at using the bats. This week in English we were writing our own traditional tales.  And in Maths were are working on column addition and subtraction.
The middle and top groups were able to swim 25 meters this week!  The top group was also learning how to do the breast stroke.  The beginners were working hard on swimming on their own with armbands.  It was awesome!
We had a tricky task in the afternoon when we were making Stone Age jewellery out of clay.  It was hard because the clay was difficult to keep it wet enough to shape.  The most exciting thing about that afternoon was auditioning for our Production! 
Yesterday we were working on using our column maths skills to solve 2 step word problems. In Science we learnt about our muscles like biceps and triceps and we had a brilliant time. In Spanish we learnt words for food and cutlery. It was very hard to find the right words in the bilingual dictionary.
Today we carried on with our two step word problems but because the spicy was so easy some of us had to try something harder than the spicy one. We’re making the Spanish working display and everyone is working hard on the display! Our teacher, Mrs. Pell, teaches us Spanish and  we work hard in Spanish because we love it!

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