Thursday, 19 July 2018

Catching up on our student blogs

Hello!  I've been so carried away showing off the work that the children have done that I've forgotten to post the last 2 weekly blogs some of the children have written!  Hope you enjoy them!

Cheetahs Blog: Week in Review
June 25th – 29th, 2018 by Jake & Lucas
In Maths we created bar charts to show our favourite sports, colours and ice cream flavours. In English we created a character description of a person living in Skara Brae- a Neolithic village in the Orkney Isles. In the afternoon we made drawings of Stone Age animals using chalk and charcoal.
In maths we created pictograms and discussed the importance of using a key. In English we planned a diary extract using a flowchart. In the afternoon we practiced our parts for the school play. Some of us made props.
In Maths we made a line graph to show changes in temperature in Catfield. In English we began to write our diary extracts. In the afternoon we did more play rehearsal.
Federation Sports Day at Sutton! We took part in a variety of activities including: Dance, Archery, Forest Schools, Healthy Eating, and even a Circus Class!  The nature area at Sutton is incredible!  We compared how many grams of sugar are in various drinks and treats by pouring sugar into a cup and weighing it.  We compared it to a cup with the amount of sugar we are supposed to have in a day, it was scary how much sugar is in lots of things! In the circus class we spun plates, used diablo sticks and tried to juggle!  What a day!
Today we worked in groups to solve the mystery of the missing sack in Maths.

Cheetahs Blog: Week in Review
July 9th – 13th, 2018 by Marcus & Alice
We practiced the play until 11:35 then we had a 25 minute play!  We practiced to perfection in the afternoon as well!
We practiced the play until 11:35 then we had a 25 minute play!  Afterwards, we did what we usually do and practiced the play again…
Today we had our dress rehearsal while Sutton and Hickling schools were watching.  It was a non-uniform day, we dressed in red and white in support of England making it to the semi-finals.  After that we went outdoors and had our lunch.  Then we did what we usually do and practiced some key parts of the play. Hours later, we came back to the school after dinner for the evening performance!  The audience loved it!  There was a lot of cheering.  Then everyone RUSHED home to watch England play in the semi-finals of the World Cup.
While we were all a little disappointed with the World Cup result, we all agree that Harry Kane could get the Golden Boot award and we are proud of how maturely our country played.  No dirty tricks, and hardly any yellow cards.  We have our fingers crossed for 3rd place now.  In the morning, we were all exhausted so we watched Ice Age together and Mrs. Pell put out some Spanish activities for us to do while it was on if we wanted to.  There was a Spanish weather fortune telling activity that we really loved amongst other things.
Today we worked on writing a special something for some special someones…  We can’t say who yet or it will spoil the surprise!  This afternoon we had a computing and PE lesson…  It was nice to feel a bit normal this afternoon!  And finally…  REPORT CARDS WENT HOME TODAY!  AGGGHHH!

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