Saturday, 29 September 2018

Forest Schools and Fabulous Artwork!

This week during Forest Schools with Mrs Ryan and Mrs Barker, the children made some fantastic nature art using clay and whatever they could find in their natural surroundings!

Positively Passionate about P.E!
The children are really enjoying their P.E sessions with Mrs Sales on a Monday as you can see by this fantastic pictures taken by Kaydee!  In our lessons we have been focusing on floor balances and footwork skills.

Here you can see the children looking at the next step on the wall to move their learning forward

Keep it steady Bobby!

We played an excellent version of tag where the children had to move in a certain way: galloping, skipping, zig-zagging, side stepping etc.  If they were tagged, they would have to wait for someone to high 5 them before they could move again.

Jasper is taking his balancing work very seriously!

Alisha and Rosie progressed to the next step and were able to balance on one leg with their eyes shut!

Brilliant work Boyd - balancing on one leg with your eyes shut is no easy task!

Friday, 21 September 2018

Impressive Homework!

So many of the Cheetahs have wowed us with their homework this week!  Fantastic job to everyone that has kept up with their weekly Spelling in the yellow book as well as their homework sheet(s) in the red folder!

Have a look at just a handful of the amazing Maths work the children have completed at home!

Leo B


Saturday, 15 September 2018

The learning begins!

Cheetahs Blog: Week in Review
Sept 10th – 14th, 2018 by Jake & Harry
We counted all the way to 200 this morning!  It was an excellent first day with Mrs. Sales!  She did lots of fun activities with us!

In Maths we rolled the dice to make 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers.  We liked making our own questions this way!

Today we worked on a little something special for The Lord’s Prayer (but Mrs. Butcher doesn’t know how we’ve made it even better yet!).  At playtime, some of us played Bulldog...  Some crashes were had!  But we had a great time!

At snack time, Mrs. Pell started reading us a Spanish copy of Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.  It is called: Huevos verdes con jamón.  Some of the details in the story had to be changed to make sure it rhymed using Spanish words!

Today was our first Spelling Test.  We will keep a record of our success on a table at the back of our books.  That way we can see how we improve over the year!  We are a bit tired after the first whole week back! 

Friday, 7 September 2018

Welcome Cheetahs of 2018-2019!

We are so pleased to report what a positive start we've had to the year- and with the largest class in the history of Catfield School, 29 children!  Wow!

On our first day we carried on our Birthday theme from our transition days before the summer and made birthday cards for each other!  All of the cards have been expertly designed by the children, and our lovely TA's Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Barker have then stuck each Cheetah's name into a card...  so they don't know who they have made a card for!  Our 3 August birthday children have been lucky enough to receive theirs already!

The children have already decorated our art display with some getting-to-know-you pieces of writing and artwork in our classroom!  Feel free to pop in and have a look!

The children have been eased in with some light Maths and English lessons to get us back in the swing of things for their first full week starting Monday!

A lot of information has been sent home this weekend:  The children have their brand new diaries, which are a gift from all of the amazing parent led fundraising in the Summer Term!  They also have the class newsletter, a lunch menu, after school club schedule, and last but not least, their new Spelling books!  Yes, they will have their first spelling test next Friday September 14th! 

In their Spelling books, it has been explained to the children that they need to complete the wordsearch that is linked to their list, as well as show me that they have written their list out 3 times in their book.  Any more practice is absolutely fine, but does not need to be evidenced in the book.  Children will have to finish any incomplete spelling practice on a Friday afternoon (Sunshine time).

Finally, a massive well done to our first 2 Outstanding children: Sam & Carson!  You boys have been spot-on already!  Thank you for setting such an amazing example in our classroom and being so kind to everyone!

We will see you all again after a restful weekend!