Saturday, 15 September 2018

The learning begins!

Cheetahs Blog: Week in Review
Sept 10th – 14th, 2018 by Jake & Harry
We counted all the way to 200 this morning!  It was an excellent first day with Mrs. Sales!  She did lots of fun activities with us!

In Maths we rolled the dice to make 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers.  We liked making our own questions this way!

Today we worked on a little something special for The Lord’s Prayer (but Mrs. Butcher doesn’t know how we’ve made it even better yet!).  At playtime, some of us played Bulldog...  Some crashes were had!  But we had a great time!

At snack time, Mrs. Pell started reading us a Spanish copy of Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.  It is called: Huevos verdes con jamón.  Some of the details in the story had to be changed to make sure it rhymed using Spanish words!

Today was our first Spelling Test.  We will keep a record of our success on a table at the back of our books.  That way we can see how we improve over the year!  We are a bit tired after the first whole week back! 

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