Saturday, 29 September 2018

Positively Passionate about P.E!
The children are really enjoying their P.E sessions with Mrs Sales on a Monday as you can see by this fantastic pictures taken by Kaydee!  In our lessons we have been focusing on floor balances and footwork skills.

Here you can see the children looking at the next step on the wall to move their learning forward

Keep it steady Bobby!

We played an excellent version of tag where the children had to move in a certain way: galloping, skipping, zig-zagging, side stepping etc.  If they were tagged, they would have to wait for someone to high 5 them before they could move again.

Jasper is taking his balancing work very seriously!

Alisha and Rosie progressed to the next step and were able to balance on one leg with their eyes shut!

Brilliant work Boyd - balancing on one leg with your eyes shut is no easy task!

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