Friday, 26 May 2017

¡Adios Cheetahs!

Cheetahs, I can't believe my last day with you has come to an end!  We have been having a marvellous year, and because of you, I really don't want to go!  I hope you thoroughly enjoy your last half term of the year.  Work hard, play safely, be kind to each other!

I will be coming in to visit with Baby Pell as soon as we can.  I'd love to watch your big Lion King performance, and hopefully Baby Pell is agreeable to this (otherwise I'll have to watch the DVD).  Work hard on your lines and your songs & dances! You'll be great!

Thank you for all of the well wishes and for all of your hard work this year!  Year 4's, you will be missed as you move up to the top of the school (but I'll see you eventually for our Spanish & DT classes).  And Year 3's, I will see you a little later into your 4th year!  Be sure to teach our new Year 3's how to make our classroom so wonderful.

Goodbye for now Cheetahs!  Have a very happy summer!

-Mrs. Pell

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Wallace and Gromit's Cracking Contraptions!

This week in Cheetahs Class, we have been creating explanations for some of Wallace's incredible inventions: the autochef, snoozatron and the 525 crackervac!  The children thought very carefully about what they needed to include in their explanations and devised a success criteria to follow.  The children then worked in small groups to prepare a presentation, giving a verbal explanation of how/why the machine worked.  We then used the Ipads to record these...

Success Criteria
1. Clear title of what is being explained
2. Opening statement to introduce the process
3. clear steps to show how or why something occurs
4. In order of events
5. Conjunctions used to link steps e.g After that, finally
6. Specific, technical vocabulary used

How did they do?  

Next week, the children will become inventors themselves - designing their own contraptions, creating blueprints and writing clear explanations!

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

A Marvellous Month of Maths!

Check out our Mathematical Magicians in Cheetahs class over the last month!  And this is just what they have been achieving on a Thursday and Friday!  Wowee!

Alfie can translate co-ordinates!
Connor has really advanced his time telling skills!
Ethan even amazed himself with his awesome area knowledge!
Gracie knows her fractions vocabulary!

And Gracie has a great sense of spacial awareness!
Mellissa is highly skilled at solving advanced co-ordinates problems!
Taylor can show all of his working out to solve perimeter problems!
Well done Cheetahs, you've really impressed me this month!  Keep up the hard work!
-Mrs. Pell

Monday, 1 May 2017

Splashing Around!

Cheetahs' Class had their first swimming session last week and impressed everyone with their talents!  All the children demonstrated that they could climb in and out of the pool safely and everyone was able to put their face in the water and blow bubbles - this might sound like an easy thing to do but is all part of building up your confidence in the water and is the first step in becoming a competent, skilled swimmer.
Mrs Mutimer (the swimming instructor) was thrilled with all the children and commented on how smiley and well-mannered the children of Catfield always are - well done Cheetahs!

Home Learning

I was absolutely blown away by the home learning tasks that were handed in after the Easter break - they were amazing!  As a class, we looked at everyone's books, sharing in each other's successes, which the children really enjoyed.  Afterwards each child chose his/her favourite piece to have photocopied and added to the home learning display board in the classroom - please feel free to come in and take a look!