Friday, 26 May 2017

¡Adios Cheetahs!

Cheetahs, I can't believe my last day with you has come to an end!  We have been having a marvellous year, and because of you, I really don't want to go!  I hope you thoroughly enjoy your last half term of the year.  Work hard, play safely, be kind to each other!

I will be coming in to visit with Baby Pell as soon as we can.  I'd love to watch your big Lion King performance, and hopefully Baby Pell is agreeable to this (otherwise I'll have to watch the DVD).  Work hard on your lines and your songs & dances! You'll be great!

Thank you for all of the well wishes and for all of your hard work this year!  Year 4's, you will be missed as you move up to the top of the school (but I'll see you eventually for our Spanish & DT classes).  And Year 3's, I will see you a little later into your 4th year!  Be sure to teach our new Year 3's how to make our classroom so wonderful.

Goodbye for now Cheetahs!  Have a very happy summer!

-Mrs. Pell

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