Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Wallace and Gromit's Cracking Contraptions!

This week in Cheetahs Class, we have been creating explanations for some of Wallace's incredible inventions: the autochef, snoozatron and the 525 crackervac!  The children thought very carefully about what they needed to include in their explanations and devised a success criteria to follow.  The children then worked in small groups to prepare a presentation, giving a verbal explanation of how/why the machine worked.  We then used the Ipads to record these...

Success Criteria
1. Clear title of what is being explained
2. Opening statement to introduce the process
3. clear steps to show how or why something occurs
4. In order of events
5. Conjunctions used to link steps e.g After that, finally
6. Specific, technical vocabulary used

How did they do?  

Next week, the children will become inventors themselves - designing their own contraptions, creating blueprints and writing clear explanations!

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