Monday, 1 May 2017

Splashing Around!

Cheetahs' Class had their first swimming session last week and impressed everyone with their talents!  All the children demonstrated that they could climb in and out of the pool safely and everyone was able to put their face in the water and blow bubbles - this might sound like an easy thing to do but is all part of building up your confidence in the water and is the first step in becoming a competent, skilled swimmer.
Mrs Mutimer (the swimming instructor) was thrilled with all the children and commented on how smiley and well-mannered the children of Catfield always are - well done Cheetahs!

Home Learning

I was absolutely blown away by the home learning tasks that were handed in after the Easter break - they were amazing!  As a class, we looked at everyone's books, sharing in each other's successes, which the children really enjoyed.  Afterwards each child chose his/her favourite piece to have photocopied and added to the home learning display board in the classroom - please feel free to come in and take a look!

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