Sunday, 4 November 2018

First week down!

Our first week back has flown by!  We hit the ground running this week, but ended it with a tasty, yet spooky cake raffle (made by yours truly) & donated to the class by Alisha's family!  Speaking of Alisha, she is currently in the lead with Reading Miles in our class with a whopping 37 miles!  Keep up the great work!  Remember to record what you've read in your homework diaries.  We tally them up every 2 weeks (roughly) and we look forward to awarding prizes!

We have begun our new Spelling program called Headstart Spellings.  This program is a 4 week system of patterns & rules, practice, activities and games.  The children will then be tested on some of the words on the 4th week.  This learning will take place at school and will no longer be a part of their weekly homework!  This program us now being used throughout the school and all students will be working at a level that challenges their abilities.    If you have any questions, do come and speak with us.

We hope you've all had a wonderful week!

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