Friday, 9 November 2018

Week in Review Nov 5th-9th by Boyd & Isaac!

-We went to How Hill for our Federation Day!  Our favourite activity was dyke dipping in the pond!  We did so many activities.

-We did some real Egyptian work on papyrus paper!  We did our rough copies in our books first.

-We imagine that we were WWI soldiers and wrote letters home to our loved ones.  We did this in honour of Remembrance Day coming up and how this year marks 100 years since the end of WWI!
-In assembly we have been learning a song about why we wear poppies at this time of year.  It is a catchy tune! We hope you enjoyed hearing us sing it at the parent's assembly on Friday!

-Mrs. Pell's joke of the day was:  "What do you call a number that can't sit still?  A roamin' numeral!"
-In Maths we were very good at estimating calculations by using our rounding skills!
-Our new Headstart Spelling program is really fun!  We had a spelling race today where we raced against ourselves to get personal-best scores!

-This morning we mixed with Panthers Class (Year 3&6 worked together and Year 4&5 worked together) on some activities for Remembrance day.  We made 3D poppies using recycled plastic bottles & acrylic paint in one session, and we worked together on a 2D poppy collage in the other session. 
-We also listened to a story together called A Poppy is to Remember, by H. Patterson & R. Lightburn. We learned that John McCrae, the poet that wrote In Flanders Fields, happens to have been Canadian, but back then, Canadians served in War for Britain.  His poem was so inspiring at the time that it was published in England, used to promote war effort fund-raising in Canada and in the USA, a woman was so inspired by the poem, that she began the campaign of having injured veterans make poppies for sale to raise money for other injured veterans & their families.  A campaign that has been adopted by many countries and still carries on 100 years later!  

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