Thursday, 22 November 2018

Our Canadian Pen Pal Letters Arrived!

It was a magical moment in Cheetahs class this morning as the children received their Pen Pal letters from their friends in West Kelowna, BC, Canada!  There were smiles and squeals of excitement as they poured over the impeccably written letters and share the art work and photos of their new friend with classmates.  

Our lovely TAs Ms Ryan and Mrs Barker worked very hard to get all of the letters photocopied so that 1) the Cheetahs could take their prized letters home, and 2) we have a copy at school so that the children can answer the many, many questions the Canadians have asked them about their lives and what it's like at our school as well as living in England!

I am very happy to have the Cheetahs include any local post cards, drawings, small tokens (eg. stickers or friendship bracelets) should they wish to send their new friend a little something along with their next letter.  Anytime an idea strikes them, please feel free to have them bring it in and I'll keep it safe.

We will begin writing our replies next week with a view to mailing them as we break up for Christmas!  

I'm quite sure I will hear from my niece when they have received our letters, so I'll keep you... posted! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

-Mrs. Pell


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